Cash In Pocket

 Forums are open discussion sites that will reward you with payment. Check them out, you may find that you either have some questions to post or some advice to give.

1. Credit Magic  

A great place to discuss credit issues, post questions, answer post, share your experience and learn about today's credit issues.

2. Mortgage Community

A forum loaded with experts in the field. Post your questions, get answers, post advice or just participate in the community.

3. Debt Forum

Got Debt? This is a great place to go, post your questions get great advice, discuss debt through community discussions with every day people.

4. Insurance Forum

This forum is awesome, you can get into discussion about any type of insurance. This is a great place to learn through community discussion. There are 5 ways to earn money on this site. You can also win an Ipod if you are the one that posts the most for the month.